Beautiful Faces Come Out Of Vanity Cases

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Beauty Box: April Amarya Box

In The Box
.Essential Care Gentle Herb Shampoo- 30ml (£1.50)
.Essential Care Organic Avocado Replenishing Cream 15ml (£5.40)
.John Masters Organics Blood Orange & Vanilla Body Wash- 30ml (£2.30)
. John Masters Blood Orange & Vanilla Body Milk- 30ml (£2.30)
. Blend Collective Softening Hand Cream / Sandalwood, Frankincense, Cedar wood, Neroli- 5ml (0.85p)
.. Blend Collective Softening Hand Cream/ Star Jasmine, Geranium, Rose- 5ml (0.85p)

Box Value= £13.20 // Actual Cost= £12.50 (inc p&p)

This month's Amarya box had a decent selection of brands to try out. All the products were samples rather than full sizes, there were 6 different products included from 3 different brands. The only brand included I had previously tried was Essential Care, Blend Collective & John Masters Organics are new to me. I've been wanting to try John Masters for a while now so was really pleased there were two products from this brand included. The box also came with 20% off all brands so if I like the products I'll be able to get a good deal on some of the other products in the line too. Although the Essential Care products are not ones I would have necessarily chosen myself from the brand they are ones I can use. The shampoo in particular looks really nice. Although it is supposed to be marketed at people with dry or irritated scalps (which I do not have), it will be a nice gentle shampoo to use after I dye my hair (when my scalp is more sensitive than usual). The moisturiser too is not specific to my skin needs, it is for dry/mature skin, however it will come in handy as a night cream when my skin is feeling dryer than usual. Hopefully it will not be too rich for my oily skin. Lastly I was pleased to see the Blend Collective hand creams. This is a new line that has just been added to the Amarya website. Although the samples are rather small which may make it harder to judge how good they are, they are perfect handbag size for an emergency. The two scents chosen look like they will be really nice. Hopefully I'll get to try more from the line in the future. Sadly there were no great savings on this box, value was pretty much the same as actual cost. I didn't mind though as all the products are usable and there was really good range included. Overall a good box for April.

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