Beautiful Faces Come Out Of Vanity Cases

Friday 8 February 2013

Beauty Box: Amarya Personalised Box February

February Box

. Caudalie Toning Lotion full size) RRP £15- 200ml

. Evolve Multi Peptide Single Cream (full size) RRP £19.99-  50ml

. Pukka Nourishing Face Oil (Sachet Sample)

Box Value= 34.99 Actual Cost £27.50 inc p&p)

This is my third Amarya Personalised box, and I'm still not sure about it... I thought the first was only OK, the second I loved, and now this one too I find only OK. I was hoping to have a firm decision about this box by the third box but now I don't know whether to keep the subscription or not, I guess I'll have to see what come nest month.
Anyway on to this box. After lasts months good selection I eagerly awaited this month's box so I was a bit disappointed. There isn't anything wrong with the contents it's just not very exciting and there were only two products this month. The Caudalie toner isn't something I would have bought, I have too many toners at the moment and I feel this doesn't offer me anything different than a standard toner. Also the idiot who packed my box left the cap open so I received a half empty bottle plus a very wet box which was annoying.  Although I was sent a selection of Evolve Samples to try a while ago I totally forgot about them, so this will be the first time I've tried the brand. Although it isn't something I would have picked out I'm always happy to try out a new moisturiser. The extra sample sachet is a nice extra but as I've said before you can't really tell much from a sachet so I'm not really that keen on them. 
In terms of cost the actual cost I paid is pretty much the same as the retail costs of both products, and it is possible to get both products on lower sale prices so I probably paid more for the experience. I do like to feel I've made some type of saving. Nothing in the box will be wasted though so it's not a loss. Plus this months box came with a £5 Amarya voucher which I'm keen to use on a new face mask so that's a plus. Hopefully the next two boxes will help me decide on whether this subscription service is worth the cost. For the moment I'm still unsure.

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