Beautiful Faces Come Out Of Vanity Cases

Monday 14 January 2013

Beauty Box: Amarya Personalised Box January

January Beauty Box

.Hydrating Mist Toner by Trilogy- 100ml (full size) £17.50

.Organic Night Balm by Inlight- 60ml (full size) £40.00

Certified Organic Eye and Makeup Remover by Inika - 80ml (full size) £19.95

Box Value= £77.45 Actual Cost £27.50 (inc P&P)

This is my second Amarya Personailed box, and a great improvement on the first box I received. The actual cost of this box is also a lot greater than the first which wasn't really that much more than the price you paid.  The box contained 3 full size products, all of which I was pleased with. My favourite being the Trilogy toner mist. This comes in a lovely glass bottle and has a fresh scent of rose, geranium and lavender. It's not the best weight for travelling but is a very nice bottle to have on the bathroom shelf. The second product I'm keen to try is the Inlight night balm; I haven't tried anything by this brand yet but this product looks really nice. It comes in a heavy glass jar with a small wooden spatula to apply. Although this is advised for mature/ dry skin (I have oily) I will give this a try anyway, especially during the colder months or when my face feels more dry than usual. The last product is the Inika makeup remover. This is a brand I've received a few products from over the last 12 months and unfortunately I haven't liked any of them. Hopefully I will have more luck with the makeup remover. Its a cream based remover that comes in a small plastic bottle. I've been using oil based makeup removers for a while now which I prefer to cream based cleansers, but this bottle is a good size for travelling so I will use it for when I do. Overall I thought this was a decent selection of products. The only complaint I have is that this box is supposed to be personalized and so far I feel none of the products have been matched to my needs/ skin type which is annoying. I will order 3 more boxes before I make my decision on this box.

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